We took our firstborn, Michele to Rugters Collage today. It was emotional enough. It was enough to do the driving - and put up with insults from husband - whether real or imagined - my driving mistakes - let alone what lane I was in blah blah blah. If Joseph is not good at anything - he is a Master of being a back seat driver. It was enough to take Michele to his Dorm with all his belongings - and use his toilet and say goodby. What was not enough was getting chance to see where my son will be going to school, spending his days and nights and seeing where he gets his meals.
After we left the Michele's dorm, Husband would not let me walk around to see where things are. Where is the bookstore? Where does he get his food? Where will Michele do his laundry? What does the rest of the Dorm building look like? Does it have a sitting area? Where will Michele have a chance to study or stretch his legs?
Although I may not have been able to find all this out in our short visit. However is a half an hour to much of a sacrafice for Joseph to allow me even if to ease my anxiety and to perhaps give me some sort of piece of mind? What was the purpose of going other than driving one way (Joseph agreed to drive home) if I was not going to be allowed to see where my son is going to be living? - And I could have driven home if a half an hour would have exhausted Joseph to the point of rendering him unable to drive.
Joseph has been to collage - and he is familiar with the campus. I myself have never been there. Except for the 20 minutes it took to get Michele in his dorm. I highly doubt my husband's brother did not allow his wife to see where her son is going to school. I'm most certain that when I speak with various friends throughout the next several weeks - I won't be hearing another mother say that her husband would not even allow her a half an hour to see where their child will be living.
Would one stinkin half hour made a difference? Why did my husband not allow me to walk around to see where our son is living?
So please do not ask me how far is the cafeteria (is that what it's even called)? Don't ask me what the names of the houses he lives next to - please don't ask me how many floors there are in his building - or where the library is. Please do not ask me about where he will do his laundry or buy any supplies he will need including his books. Because I do not know. I was not allowed to look around and find out.
One half an hour was to much for my husband Joseph to allow me to look around the campus to find these things out.
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