About Me

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I am a Child of God, Wife of a Beautiful Man, named Joseph, Mother to two wonderful almost grown children, Michele and Bella. I'm a Soul Sister Ya Ya to Sharon Rose Salpietro,- an Artist, Photographer, Writer, Hair Stylist, Energy Healer, and Kitchen Witch. I love to read and I enjoy many hobbies and have too many interests to list. I like to find new ways to express my artistic cravings while navigating through life as a wife and a mom. All comments would be appreciated and feel free to share my ideas and recipes.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year New Beginnings

Today being the first of the year, with the encouragement of my yaya (my dearest friend) I am finally - at her suggestion going to start to "Blog". I write, read a lot and have a lot of interests, however, I cannot imagine having anything worthwhile to share. Perhaps, I tell myself that if I want to work on some serious New Years Resolutions, then when and where would be a better place to start than to start a blog on New Year's day and at the same time put out there all the things I'd like to improve on myself. So far my resolutions are as follows: Eat Healthier, meaning cutting back on the fake food that has been lacing my diet for the past several years. Foods that contain colors, additives and the such that cause me not only weight gain but immense headaches. As I write this now, I am actually drunk off of orange soda, that I know for a fact that as soon as I run out, if I don't get more, I will go through a physical withdrawal. If I sound like a drug addict. I am. Only my drug at the moment is not the illegal kind that you have to drive thru scary neighborhoods to buy. The drugs I'm addicted to come in pretty packages and boxes at the local supermarket. Another resolution is to work more dillegently on my paintings and photographs, I have been doing too much half baked lately. And I also have on my resolution for this year the same things that most start out the new year with such as exersicing more and in general being a better me. One issue I do have at hand along with the food issue that will probably give me a hard time is some childhood issues that won't leave me alone. I have some issues that seem to crop up like a ghost that wants attention. This is really the hurdle I will have to jump through.

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